Call MS Residential Real Estate Appraisals to discuss valuations regarding Dekalb foreclosures

Foreclosure and REO Appraisal in Dekalb County

Homes that have returned to the financial institution's possession and properties in foreclosure present unique appraisal problems.

When dealing with a house in foreclosure, you should differentiate market value versus a "quick disposition" value to evaluate your potential charge-off liability. MS Residential Real Estate Appraisals has the experience in both producing snapshots of market value for our mortgage originating clients, in addition to "quick sale" forecasts that take into account your pressing needs.

We have the training to deal with the specific dynamics of a foreclosure appraisal. Contact MS Residential Real Estate Appraisals for a company you can trust.

Occupants of properties in foreclosure might be disinclined to allow an inspection of the house, thus presenting particular challenges. They might have left the home already and/or neglected care of the house for some time - or worse, caused damage to the house.

You will be interested in a speedy disposition if the property has already returned to Real Estate Owned. So you might want to understand and review three values: "as-is", "as repaired", and "quick sale". These symbolize:

  • The value of the property without any repairs done to it
  • Possible value with the repairs required to make the property marketable at full market value - consistent with competing homes in the area
  • With minor investment in repairs - to sell the property quickly, seemingly to someone who'd prefer to finish the job themselves
Again, we understand your urgency and the specific situation of a bank owned house, in addition to the unique information you will need - competing listings, market trends, and the like. You can rely on MS Residential Real Estate Appraisals to handle the task of your bank owned property with expertise and professionalism. Contact us today.